Defeat evil everywhere.
Here's details on this film featuring a great big Lungs of a Giant song.
(That being the prediluvian Ecoutez et Repetez)
"Adventures of the Brooklyn Hipster Superhero" is a comic three part mini-series
about a superhero who doesn't have any real powers,
but feels it's his mission to protect his Brooklyn neighborhood from improper gentrification.
Equipped with cell phone and walkman, he works by day as a temp in a data management office,
but when needed the most, his true identity is revealed...
In Episode 1, he saves a young woman from being hit by a car
(a woman that will later create a hip superhero identity of her own).
Together, their often clumsy but sincere quest to maintain
and restore the quality of Brooklyn life culminates in the final episode,
when the superheroes confront an Evil Realtor
who attempts to evict a Polish couple from their Greenpoint apartment.
* The series features music by bands from the booming Brooklyn rock scene:
The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Moldy Peaches, Girls Against Boys,
The Rogers Sisters, Le Tigre, Japanther, Lungs of a Giant, The Bright Lights, !!!,
Mz. Pakman, and more...
You can rent "The Hipster" saga at the following video stores:
Reel Life (North & South) in Brooklyn, PhotoPlay in Greenpoint,
Two Boots (Ave. A @ E. 2nd) in Manhattan, and Beacon's Closet in Williamsburg.
Just ask for "The Hipster"....
Filmed on mini-DV, Super-8, and 16mm
TRT - 39 min. (Ep. 1 - 8 min., Ep. 2 - 16 min., Ep. 3 - 15 min.)
Contact: Alan Webber / [email protected] / (347) 731-0122
Starring Chris McHenry and Jessie Hutcheson
Cinematography by Jared Hohl and Kevin Goldsmith
Sound Recording by Mike Schmidt and Tricia Ward
Edited by Dahlia Fischbein and Alan Webber
� 2003 Alan Webber
Interested in distributing or booking this instant cult classic of our modern times?
Email: [email protected]
Sept. 2003 - Biff Rose Film Festival
Oct. 2003 - Brave Destiny Surrealist Film Festival
Oct. 2003 - BAM NextNext Film Slam
Nov. 2003 - Hogar Collection
Dec. 2003 - Marc Forster Production Office Festival
Dec. 12, 13 - Bright Lights video for "You Have Amazing Powers" Cliktrax on MNN-TV
Jan. 18 2004 - Two Boots Pioneer Film Slam Winner
Jan. 19 - Sundance Film Festival - Park City, UT - Audience Award Winner (JK!!)
Feb thru April - IFG Film Series
Feb. 14, 15 - Japanther video for "South of Northport" Cliktrax on MNN-TV
March 13, 16 - Robothouse - Flagstaff, AZ
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